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Upsell: How to increase the average ticket per customer

Imagine increasing your billing without acquiring more customers. It looks like magic, right? But we’re not talking about any otherworldly technique. You can increase your average ticket per customer with simple strategies. In this text, you will learn how to use the most productive way of increasing the value your customers spend: the upsell. Keep reading this article until the end! Come on:


Is it easier to sell to a customer?

It sounds like a lie, but selling to those who have already bought from you is so much easier than getting new customers.

This is because the customer is already willing to buy your product, already trusted in your store.

The hardest part, which is to make your audience decide to buy from you, is already done.

Retaining customers is not just about a commercial or marketing action. Points such as: quality of service offered, positive and negative experiences you had with the company, the level of trust that the customer established with your company … are key in convincing the customer of a new purchase.

In a concrete way, many companies want the customer to remain consuming, but few take action in that direction.

Withholding is very important for any business, but you can go beyond that. Do not be content to just keep your customer card, look for ways to increase the average ticket and, consequently, your billing.

So it is important to understand how to make more money per customer.


How to make more money per customer

So it is very important to understand that the sale does not end after your customer buys from you. At this stage, it is only beginning

Understanding the behavior of your audience, their motivations and recurring difficulties makes all the difference when it comes to offering new products.

To make the decision to buy, every customer needs to realize that making that purchase is a big advantage for him.

When a customer goes to you wanting to consume your product, it means that he is raising his hand and saying that he has a problem that needs to be solved, and that you have the solution.

In this sense, a good repertoire at the time of selling is fundamental and, for this, it is extremely necessary to better understand its consumers.

It’s no use talking about what your product is made of, how it works, or how incredible your company is. Focus on what matters to the customer: the solution.

All of your clients are in pain. As said earlier, they will come to you in search of something that will solve a problem.

Knowing your audience better, you will be able to do this in a more efficient way, offering the best product (solution).

But it’s probably not just a problem your customers want to solve. It is possible that those who want to buy the solution you sell have other problems

And more than that: maybe your business has other solutions to problems that that person had not even thought about yet.

It’s up to your company to make them realize they need some other solution (hence a new product or service).

Offer upgrades, other related products … It’s important to think about how to improve the customer experience while you spend more.

Creating a close relationship with customers to understand their tastes and needs allows them to offer the right products and services. Aware of the quality and the differentials of your brand, the chances of the average ticket increase will be much higher.

Average ticket

The average Ticket is of extreme importance for the companies because, from it, it is possible to plan the increase of sales and to obtain greater profits. It is an essential performance indicator that provides the  average  sales value per customer.

To calculate the average ticket of your company, simply divide the total sales by the number of sales of the period. It is also possible to calculate the average ticket of a particular product, service or category, according to the company’s need.

For example: if 50 people bought from you in a certain period and your company earned 5 thousand reais, it means that your average ticket was 100 dollars.

To increase it, you have to stimulate sales so that the same group of customers can buy more.

In addition to having to understand who you are selling for, you need to find ways to sell more to the same customer using techniques such as:

Upsell Technique

This is a sales strategy that focuses on improving the buyer’s experience with your brand, product, or service, while increasing your sales.

An upsell basically consists of improving your customer’s first buying option. It’s as if you create an opportunity for the person to purchase a fuller ticket with a higher ticket than the one they had already chosen.

In short, it consists of increasing the final value of the purchase, generating advantages for both the seller and the buyer.

For example: imagine that you are in the supermarket and want to buy a 1-liter softener that costs 10 dollars. But the seller goes to you and shows another 2 liter softener that costs 16 dollars. You realize that it pays to spend more to acquire a higher yielding product. Thus, the most expensive option is chosen, which is more cost-effective.

That’s an upsell!


Cross sell technique

Cross Sell is the sales technique that aims to persuade customers to buy more than one product. By using this technique, companies tend to increase the average ticket considerably.

While the upsell consists in proposing an item superior to the one selected by the consumer, cross sell focuses on offering a complementary product to the one initially chosen by the customer.

For example: The client is about to enroll in one of the plans of a gym, where he will have access to the weight room, to train every day of the week. The seller seizes the moment to offer an additional personal trainer service. It is an extra service, which is not part of any package superior to what the customer is hiring. They will be charged separately, added to the monthly fee.

The best strategy to sell cross sell is to think of products that would combine with each other and could be marketed advantageously for both customer satisfaction and increased company profit.

Virtual stores usually use this tactic very much by offering complementary products accompanied by a message such as “you will like it too …”, “people who bought this product also took” or “take these two products for less …”


Value your investments

Every customer has a purchase price.

To get new consumers, it is necessary to invest in several areas, such as: traffic campaigns, content drive, time …

Using Upsell and Cross sell strategies, your money is worth much more, and your return on investment (ROI) is much higher.

The reason for adopting such strategies is simple: the customer has already made the main decision to buy. Encouraging a new purchase is much easier when the consumer has already opened his wallet.

Because they are low-cost actions that do not generate large financial impacts to companies, cross sell and upsell strategies have been widely used in Ecommerce.

Making them increasingly creative, efficient, and aggressive is the best way to bill using these methods.


Learn how to sell more

To take your business to the next level you need to use these and many other strategies. This makes it much easier to differentiate yourself in the middle of the competition and make much more efficient action plans for your company.

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